Saturday, February 6, 2010


Haiti?  Really, Lord?  Haiti? 

I was approached tonight with the request that I attend an interest meeting.  Jimmy told me that they are looking for 3 or 4 leaders to lead teams to Haiti.  Me?  A leader?  Are you sure, Lord?  Am I beginning to sound like Moses?  "No, not me, Lord, please choose someone else!"

Okay, okay.  I will go to the interest meeting.  I have been feeling as if I am not doing enough.  I want to do more for Haiti than I've already done.  I haven't much at all, I want to do more.  But lead a team?  I'm a follower, not a leader.  Okay, okay, I only need to follow the Lord's direction.  I can do that.

I will trust you, Lord.  I will trust that You will make the time off work happen.  I will trust that You will make the finances happen.  If You want me to go I cannot say "No."  If You want me to go it will happen.  Not my will, Lord, but Yours. 

I think the interest meeting is in 2 weeks, on my birthday.  That would be an interesting birthday gift.