Saturday, September 18, 2010


For some reason I am a little intimidated by the blank screen this morning.  There is so much stuff going round and round in my head that I want to get out but just cannot figure how to put these emotions into words. 

Life is all about change.  No matter how permanent we believe things are they are always in some state of flux.  I have had a lot of changes in my life in the past few months.  One of the major changes was when I fell and broke my wrist.  I no longer have the same usage of my hand and wrist as I did before and although I will continue to regain some of that usage over the next 6 - 9 months I have been told I will never regain full usage.  That's okay, I apparently have more than what the doctors consider "functional" and more than what a lot of other people ever recover.  I am extremely fortunate.  Another change is some restoration in the relationship between my daughter and me.  We went to dinner and a movie last weekend and exchanged a few words on FaceBook.  I think we now have a "functional" relationship but will never completely regain what we once had.  With a lot of hard work we may be able to build something better and stronger than what we had but that will take the two of us fully engaging in that process, I'm not sure if she is ready to invest in that yet.  I'm sensing a "functionality" theme here.

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