Monday, October 11, 2010

More Prayer

Dear Lord,

Please help me keep my focus on you during this time of prayer and fasting.  My mind wanders and drifts.  It keep returning to dig at my pain.  I want to focus on You, Lord.  I want to focus on Your will for my life.  In want to focus on the joy You will bring me when I follow Your will. 

Lord, I am so unworthy.  I am a sinner, I need Your grace and mercy.  Please bless me with Your righteousness, without it I am doomed.  I am such a hypocrite, Lord.  I put my relationship ahead of You, I made him my god because I made not being alone my god.  I am so tired of being alone. Lord.  I am sio tired of being lonely, I stumbled, I sinned against You.  I am so sorry.  Lord, if I could change my behavior, I would.  If there was something I could do to make it up to You, I would.  But I  know there is no way for me, a sinner, to earn Your favor.  I need Your love and grace and mercy.  I need Your forgiveness.  Lord, I submit to Your will.  Please show me Your will.

Lord, I also pray for health and healing of my loved ones.  I pray for Becky and little Benjamin.  I pray for my parents and my children.  I pray for their physical and mental wholeness and happiness.  Lord, I pray for my friends.  I pray that they know You and walk in close communion with You.  Lord, You know all the prayers of my heart, even those I cannot put voice to.  Please Lord, grant me these petitions. 

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